  • ファイルサイズ: 373 KB
  • 種別: フリーウェア
  • ダウンロード: 1292
  • 作者: thetzweb.info
  • 説明:
    2 cocoanuts grated, 2 blades of mace, 1 saltspoonful of cinnamon, 3
    pints of water, the juice of a lemon, 2 eggs, 1 oz. of Allinson fine
    wheatmeal, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the cocoanut in the water,
    adding the mace, cinnamon, and seasoning. Let it cook gently for an
    hour; strain the mixture through a sieve and then return the soup to
    the saucepan. Make a paste of the eggs, wheatmeal, and lemon juice,
  • 無料ダウンロード
