  • ファイルサイズ: 2036 KB
  • 価格: $10
  • ダウンロード: 692
  • 作者: Swift Software & Services
  • 説明:
    OpenVPN Watchdog Functions:
    1. To prevent IP leaks thereby safeguarding the exposure of the real IP of the user while connected to the OpenVPN server

    Includes an inbuilt IP blocker firewall that blocks inbound/outbound connection to thousands of known malicious IPs with ability to use custom IP blocklists and whitelists

    2.To prevent DNS leaks including transparent DNS proxies thereby preventing the ability of your ISP or any third party entity to monitor or view the sites you visit while connected to the VPN server. You can test for DNS leaks using this 3rd party web tool

    3.To protect against all forms of DNS changer malwares aimed at changing your computer's legitimate TCP/IP DNS IPs to rogue DNS servers in order to hijack your DNS queries for nefarious purposes such as phishing.

    4.To protect against DNS hosts file phishing attacks by monitoring the integrity and authenticity of the hosts file using secure hash algorithm (SHA 512)
  • 無料ダウンロード
